Florida Geriatrics Society
Advancing Geriatric Care in Florida Since 1989
Recipient of the 2024 American Geriatrics Society State Affiliate Achievement Award
This registration is to be completed and submitted as a requirement to participate in the FGS Annual Dr. David T. Lowenthal Poster Session Founder's Award. Please visit our website's Lowenthal Award page for full details or download the Requirements & Attestations Overview link below. Registration to participate in the Lowenthal Poster Session Founder's Award is free. FGS Requirements & Attestations Overview document: All Florida Geriatrics Society members are eligible to compete for the David T. Lowenthal Founder's Poster Session Award. Authors may submit abstracts pertaining to those categories as approved by the FGS Education Committee. See the Guidelines for a full listing of categories. 2025-_Abstract Guidelines and Attestation Submission All posters will be judged by criteria that include scientific merit, presentation, and pertinence to the field of geriatrics and the author's oral presentation if selected for the final poster session judging. Your abstract must be submitted by 11:59 pm ET on April 30th. If requested: Final financial disclosure forms for any co-author(s) will requested separately via email and must be received by May 14th to be considered for the Oral General Session Presentations. All documents can be uploaded directly to the FGS via your FGS membership profile or your registration for the Lowenthal Poster Session. All poster presenters must register via the Lowenthal Poster Session Event Registration and must then register to attend the annual symposium no later than May 1, 2025. To be eligible for the Lowenthal Founder's Award the primary/presenting author must be a current FGS member and available to present their work during the June 21, 2025, Lowenthal Award Poster Session. The abstract's final acceptance is contingent upon at least one of the authors registering for, paying the meeting registration fee, and attending the Annual Meeting. The presenting author must be a current FGS member and present their poster during the assigned Poster Judging Session(s) on Saturday, June 21, 2025, to be considered for the Lowenthal Founder's Award. If you have any questions, please email exec@floridageriatricssociety.org A poster presenter must be a current FGS member to be considered for the Lowenthal Founder's Award, you may join at the time of submission or before your submission. Join Today
This registration is to be completed and submitted as a requirement to participate in the FGS Annual Dr. David T. Lowenthal Poster Session Founder's Award. Please visit our website's Lowenthal Award page for full details or download the Requirements & Attestations Overview link below. Registration to participate in the Lowenthal Poster Session Founder's Award is free.
FGS Requirements & Attestations Overview document:
All Florida Geriatrics Society members are eligible to compete for the David T. Lowenthal Founder's Poster Session Award.
The abstract's final acceptance is contingent upon at least one of the authors registering for, paying the meeting registration fee, and attending the Annual Meeting. The presenting author must be a current FGS member and present their poster during the assigned Poster Judging Session(s) on Saturday, June 21, 2025, to be considered for the Lowenthal Founder's Award.
If you have any questions, please email exec@floridageriatricssociety.org
A poster presenter must be a current FGS member to be considered for the Lowenthal Founder's Award, you may join at the time of submission or before your submission.
Join Today
P. O. Box 1403 Land O Lakes, FL 34639
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